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用table salt造句子 用都好造句子 tens of thousands of造句 用tens of thousands of造句子 合组造句 有尿味怎么去除 有尿味如何去除 用合组造句子 猪肉第三刀肉是哪个部位 哪个部位是猪肉第三刀肉 tenement造句 用tenement造句子 刺眼造句 牟利造句 用刺眼造句子 用牟利造句子 一眼很惊艳的游戏id古风 好听的古风网名 牟取暴利造句 买什么礼物送老婆 买哪些礼物送老婆 用牟取暴利造句子 拖把有尿骚味怎么去除 拖把有尿骚味如何去除 时说造句 超好听的男生网名 比较好听的男生网名 用镀金造句子 镀金造句 用栏肥造句子 栏肥造句 用table-cloth造句子 table-cloth造句 用第一幕造句子 第一幕造句 用僭取造句子 僭取造句 用风标造句子 用multinational造句子 用御座造句子 风标造句 multinational造句 御座造句 用僭主造句子 僭主造句 王者荣耀昵称大全搞笑 比较搞笑的游戏名
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table salt造句

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-05-03 21:49:53

table salt造句

1.And by the way, that means Kosher salt, not ordinary table salt.(顺便说一下粗盐并不是平时的精致食盐。)
导读1.And by the way, that means Kosher salt, not ordinary table salt.(顺便说一下粗盐并不是平时的精致食盐。)

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【table salt造句】内容,供您参考。

1、And by the way, that means Kosher salt, not ordinary table salt.(顺便说一下粗盐并不是平时的精致食盐。)

2、Consider that just one teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 milligrams (mg) of sodium. And it's not just table salt you have to worry about.(试想仅一勺食盐中钠的含量就为2325毫克,更何况你要担心的还远不止食盐。)

3、The iodide is added to table salt to protect against iodine deficiency.(在食盐中加入碘化钾以防碘缺乏。)

4、table salt, by the way, is 40 percent sodium, 60 percent chloride.(顺便说一下,食盐含40%钠,60%氯化物。)

5、The solution to IDD is simple and cost-effective as iodine can easily be added to table salt.(碘缺乏症的解决办法很简单,并且具有成本效益,因为碘很容易添加到食盐中。)

6、Results: With prolonging the working time and increasing the table salt concentration, the available chlorine content increased gradually.(结果,随工作时间的延长和食盐浓度的增加,有效氯的含量逐渐增加。)

7、Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.(海风掀起海浪,溅起层层浪花,同时还溅起少许氯化纳。氯化钠就是我们平常吃的食盐,在这过程中氯化钠渗透到空气中。)

8、table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.(食盐为使颜色变白而有化学添加物,较妥之选择是海盐。)

9、You've been trying to eat less sodium - just a pinch of table salt on your baked potato and a dash on your scrambled eggs.(一直以来,你都在想尽办法减少钠的摄入——只敢在烤土豆里放一小撮盐,炒蛋里加一小把盐。)

10、table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour.(调味盐有使其颜色白的化学添加物。)

11、Future table salt to be sprinkled with less iodine.(将来食用盐应减少碘的含量。)

12、Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.(才华比餐桌调味盐还便宜,区别有才华者与成功者的是许多的努力。)

13、I have dissolved some table salt — the same table salt that you use in the kitchen when you prepare your food, table salt in here.(我在水里放了一些食盐-,是厨房经常会用到的那种,准备食物时经常会用到食盐。)

14、However, sea salt is made from evaporated seawater, with less processing than table salt which comes from underground.(然而,海盐是由海水蒸发而成,又食盐则来自地底下,所以海盐比食盐更少经过工业处理。)

15、A crystalline salt in organic synthesis and in making photographic emulsions and in iodized table salt.(一种晶状盐,用于有机合成、制感光乳剂和含碘食盐。)

16、Some salt substitutes or light salts contain a mixture of table salt and other compounds.(一些增咸剂和低盐产品是食盐和其它化合物的混合物。)

17、The research analysed the chemical content of several gourmet brands of sea and rock salt, and compared this with ordinary table salt.(研究分析了几种高级品牌的海盐和盐岩的的化学成分,并和普通食盐进行了对比。)

18、Considering that table salt is the commonest source of sodium in food the diet usually calls for eating salt-free foods.(由于食盐是钠在食物中普遍的来源,医生给病人规定的,饮食通常要求吃无盐食品。)

19、The Canadian researchers used a method to study air bubbles trapped in halite, the natural form of table salt.(这些加拿大研究人员利用一种办法来研究岩盐中夹带的气泡。岩盐是食盐的自然形态。)

20、Highly mineralized groundwater can be explored from strongly salinized land thus producing mirabilite and table salt.(重度盐碱地可开采高矿化地下水,生产芒硝和食盐。)

21、This company main practise industry salt, table salt and so on.(本公司主要经营工业盐,食盐等。)

22、The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt .(离子的这种堆砌形成了普通食盐的立方形结晶。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。



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table salt造句

1.And by the way, that means Kosher salt, not ordinary table salt.(顺便说一下粗盐并不是平时的精致食盐。)
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