时长:00:00更新时间:2024-03-20 14:20:52
treaty is signed翻译是:条约已签署。条约,是指确定缔约方权利和义务关系的任何协议,它可以有不同的名称。狭义上的条约则是指以条约为名称的,有关政治、经济、法律等重要问题的,有效期较长的国际协议。例如:1996年《世界知识产权组织版权条约》、1967年《关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约》、1980年《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国领事条约》等。由两个或两个以上国家签订的,确定签约国在政治、经济、军事、文化等方面所拥有的权利和义务的协议。包括公约、协定、换文、联合宣言、宪章等。
treaty is signed翻译相关信息
  • International___ must be reduced before this treaty is signed.

    strain是张力的意思,也可以表示紧张,但一般指身体健康的方面,如肌肉紧张、神经紧张等。stress 一般表达精神上的、心理上的压力。tension 是拉力的意思,一般表达两个人、两个团体或两个国家之间关系紧张 谢谢,希望帮到你
  • 词汇精选:treaty的用法和辨析

    一、详细释义: , n. , 条约,协议;谈判 [C] , 例句: ,Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty.,和平条约签定以后,战事随之结束。, 例句: ,The boundary beeen the o nations is defined by treaty.,这两国间的边界是由条约规定的。, 二、词义辨析: , agreement,contr...
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    签订conclude and sign
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    和平 的可取无容赘言。He declared his profound longing for peace .他说他深切地渴望 和平 。One can sense the people yearning for peace .可以感觉到人民盼望 和平 。They are large but peaceful animals .它们是巨大但却爱 和平 的动物。The peace treaty was signed in paris .该 和平 条约...
  • 签署英文怎么说?

    签署英文说法是[/saɪn/],单词是sign。一、发音英:[/saɪn/];美:[/saɪn/]二、中文翻译v.签名;签字;签署; 签(名);署(名);和...签约(或应聘);示意;打手势;打手语 n.标志;迹象;符号;标牌;征兆;招牌;指示牌;手势;预兆;示意的动作(或声音)三、...
  • 近代中国那一条不平等条约使上海成为通商口岸

    The Ratification of the Treaty by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, etc., and His Majesty the Emperor of China shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance which separates England from China will admit; but in the meantime counterpart copies of it, signed and sealed by the Pleni...
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    13. Which of the following statements about the treaties in European countries is NOT TRUE. A. The Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992. B. The Treaty of Amsterdan was signed in 1997. C. The Treaty of Nice was signed in 2023. D. The Treaty of Rome was signed in 2023. 14. The Eur...
  • 帮我翻成英文,不要机器翻译的

    China. Therefore signed the "Nanjing Treaty" is one of modern China's first unequal treaty, the Hong Kong Island, also in this war, was ceded to the United Kingdom, in addition, the United Kingdom also supported most favored nation treatment, and other consular jurisdiction....
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    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization , also called "the (North) Atlantic Alliance", is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, and the organization constitutes a system ...
  • 谁能介绍一下上海历史的变迁

    美国人进入上海:1844年,中美《望厦条约》签订,内容参照了中英《南京条约》。Americans in Shanghai : 1844, the United States signed the "Wangxia Treaty", a reference to the contents of the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty." 此后,美国的传教士和商人也开始前来上海。Subsequently, the United States began...
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