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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-05-01 02:44:29


There are different kinds of parties,such as birthday party,New Year's party,Christmas party and so on.Holding a party is easy and should not be a hard task .We should think about people we are going to invite,food and drinks we are going to prepare,where wer are going to have our party and activitie we are going to have.If we make a good preparation,I am sure we'll have a successful party.
导读There are different kinds of parties,such as birthday party,New Year's party,Christmas party and so on.Holding a party is easy and should not be a hard task .We should think about people we are going to invite,food and drinks we are going to prepare,where wer are going to have our party and activitie we are going to have.If we make a good preparation,I am sure we'll have a successful party.

英语作文 如合作何举办一个派别开生面对:

There如痴如醉以点带面 are 风月无边diffe济济一堂rent 瓜皮搭李皮kinds英俊 of p漫山遍野artie见异思迁s,suc操之过急h as 深邃birth不急之务轻举妄动day p千丝万缕arty,温柔New Y聪慧ear's乘风破浪 part丽质y,Chr一知半解istma漂亮s par板板六十四ty an安详d so 好心没好报on.Ho细长lding不骄不躁海晏河清 a pa足智多谋神采飞扬rty i春联s eas不攻自破仗义执言y and简洁 shou坚定ld no来世不可待冰炭不相容t be 坚定a har优秀d tas斜眼k .We有志竟成 shou顾头不顾脚ld th寻根究底ink a祸生于纤纤bout 大方peopl壮观e we 美目are g甜美帅气oing 耳垂to in居高声自远vite,别开生面food 快刀斩乱丝and d温柔rinks以牙还牙 we a朗目re go聪明过人ing t贵人多忘事o pre秀目pare,肝胆相照where心领神会藕断丝连 wer 欣喜are g急则抱佛脚oing 单薄to ha虎生而文炳ve ou追木穷源诚心诚意r par当务之急ty an看人下菜碟d act单薄iviti磕头如捣蒜顾头不顾腚e we 运用自如are g水光接天oing 得便宜卖乖to ha浩浩荡荡ve.If富相 we m细挑ake a兴风作浪 good动听瘦削 prep博古通今arati憧憬坚定on,I 刻舟求剑am su河东狮子吼re we壮观'll h船多不碍路卖狗皮膏药ave a八面威风 succ海誓山盟essfu空口说空话l par强壮ty.内容来自懂视网(www.51dongshi.com),请勿采集!


求一篇100词左右的英语作文,是关于如何举办party 的,谢谢啦。

There are different kinds of parties, such as birthday party, New Year's party, Christmas party and so on.Holding a party is easy and should not be a hard task . We should think about people we are going to invite, food and drinks we are going to prepare, where wer are going to have our party and activitie we are going to have. If we make a good preparation, I am sure we'll have a successful party.


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There are different kinds of parties,such as birthday party,New Year's party,Christmas party and so on.Holding a party is easy and should not be a hard task .We should think about people we are going to invite,food and drinks we are going to prepare,where wer are going to have our party and activitie we are going to have.If we make a good preparation,I am sure we'll have a successful party.
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