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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-04-29 10:47:17






1. Fireworks: The use of fireworks to celebrate the New Year is a traditional custom. For example, many people set off fireworks to welcome the New Year.

2. Spring Couplets: Pasting Spring Couplets on doors is another unique New Year's custom. For instance, we will hang posters with poetic couplets on doors and walls ring the Spring Festival.

3. Red Envelopes: Giving red envelopes, also known as "lucky money," to children is a common practice ring the Spring Festival. For example, alts usually give red envelopes to children on New Year's Day.

4. Dumplings: Eating mplings is a significant tradition ring the Spring Festival. For instance, we sometimes enjoy eating mplings and buns.

5. Reunion Dinner: The New Year's Eve dinner is a crucial event where families gather to celebrate. For example, we will have our reunion dinner together on New Year's Eve.

6. Spring Cleaning: Cleaning the house before the New Year is a customary practice. For instance, I will do your shopping, clean the house, and cook your dinner for you.

7. Paying New Year's Call: Visiting relatives and friends to exchange New Year's greetings is a custom. For example, I will pay a New Year's call to my uncle today.

8. Staying Up: It is a tradition to stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve to welcome the New Year. For example, we must stay up to see the new year in.

9. Removing the Old: Activities ring New Year's Eve focus on removing the old and evil, and praying for the best. Since Chuxi in Chinese means removing the old, most of the activities ring New Year's Eve center on this theme.

10. Family Reunion: The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions. For example, Spring Festival is a family reunion holiday, and children who have left home will return to their parents.

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