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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-11-17 21:03:52


Afternoon Tea Culture。In conclusion.afternoon tea is a cultural tradition that has been enjoyed for centuries.It offers a chance to socialize and indulge in a delicious selection of sweet and savory treats.and it is a quintessentially British experience that has become popular around the world。
导读Afternoon Tea Culture。In conclusion.afternoon tea is a cultural tradition that has been enjoyed for centuries.It offers a chance to socialize and indulge in a delicious selection of sweet and savory treats.and it is a quintessentially British experience that has become popular around the world。

Afternoon Tea Culture

Afternoon tea is a cultural tradition that originated in the United Kingdom. It is a light meal served in the mid-afternoon, typically between 2 pm and 5 pm. The custom of serving tea in the afternoon dates back to the 1840s when the 7th Duchess of Bedford began having a light meal between lunch and dinner, during which she would have tea and a selection of sweet and savory treats. Over time, the tradition became popular amongst the upper classes, and it eventually spread to other countries around the world.

Typically, afternoon tea is served on a three-tiered tray, with the bottom tier consisting of sandwiches and savories, the middle tier reserved for scones with clotted cream and jam, and the top tier featuring an array of cakes and pastries. It is customary to drink tea with milk, as well as other refreshing beverages such as lemonade, iced tea, or champagne.

Afternoon tea is not only a delightful repast but also a social occasion. It is a chance for people to gather and catch up with friends or colleagues while enjoying a tasty selection of treats. Often, venues that serve afternoon tea are decorated in an elegant and refined style, and attention is given to the presentation of the food and crockery. Needlework, knitting, and tea parties are popular amongst the women of the upper classes.

In conclusion, afternoon tea is a cultural tradition that has been enjoyed for centuries. It offers a chance to socialize and indulge in a delicious selection of sweet and savory treats, and it is a quintessentially British experience that has become popular around the world.

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Afternoon Tea Culture。In conclusion.afternoon tea is a cultural tradition that has been enjoyed for centuries.It offers a chance to socialize and indulge in a delicious selection of sweet and savory treats.and it is a quintessentially British experience that has become popular around the world。
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