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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-05-03 14:20:59





中文翻译英文 房屋租赁协议


Party A agreed to lease a B X room, period of X years X months since the X to X years X months X days, monthly rent X yuan (currency name capitalized)

Two ways to pay rent:

(1) lump-sum payment: Total X yuan (currency name capitalized)

(2) installments, to pay once every three months, namely, X yuan (capitalized). Where X yuan deposit kept by the Party.

(3) The rent deposit X Yuan, X the next day the rent must be paid in advance, or deposit to subside and for breach of contract processing.

3, water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable, broadband, security, cleaning costs by B burdens.

4 B may not arbitrarily change the housing structure and facilities, room facilities, damage to Party A responsible for the maintenance of natural, man-made damage and loss from Party B to pay 100% of compensation, B, X yuan deposit. To the contract termination date of acceptance by the Party of water, electricity, coal, cable, and cleaning and other expenses after the closing of the deposit refund from Party B. B commits the room no more than X people resident population. Such as breach of contract, the other calculating rents.

5 contract expired, both sides can renew or terminate contracts are required to inform the other party one month in advance, such as the one halfway breach of contract, breach of contract payments to pay the other party's base rent amount, the contract expires, Party B have a prior tenancy.

Housing Facilities

6 Party without the consent of Party B shall not sublet a third party, or allow others to live, if default one month's rent to pay Party A liquidated damages.

7 intermediaries are responsible for mediating the process of renting problems that may occur, but do not assume any financial responsibility law, any matter can not be negotiated by the A and B reflect the two sides to the relevant departments, complaints by the relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations to resolve.

8 B of the lease period shall not be room to engage in any violation of laws, regulations, security regulations matter, or because of water, electricity, coal, and other improper use, resulting in injury accidents of life. By the parties themselves bear full legal responsibility.

9 Supplementary Provisions: If Party A Party B shall not closing walked out, then three days later, Party A the right to open the door to enter, items deemed a waiver, the Party have the right to dispose of.

10 A, B and the two sides on a voluntary equality, consultation under the premise of the cost of the agreement reached, either party breach or non-performance of this Agreement, will assume the financial liability and legal consequences, but the experience of the objective factors, irresistible, the two sides can change the settlement negotiations or terminate the agreement.

Rental agreement

1: Party A Party B agrees to lease the intermediary, X Lu X, Lane X, X Room, Room X building area of X m², room card number: X-use housing, lease from X years X months X to X years X months X ended the monthly rent agreed for the X Yuan, three months to pay a total of X Yuan, X days in advance to pay the next rent.

The first X years X months X days, the second X years X months X days, the third X years X months X days.

2: lease period, water, electricity, coal, telephone, security, cleaning fees, cable fees borne by the X side, housing and repairs undertaken by the Party, decoration costs from X party.

3: house facilities:

4: B to the intermediary (or Party) the payment of house facilities for deposit X Yuan, and upon the expiry of an intermediary party and the Party by the non-destructive inspection, utility, telephone and other expenses after the closure of B recovered from. House facilities such as a natural damaged by the Party responsible for maintenance; in the case of man-made causes destruction of B by the Party B is responsible for repairs or compensation.

5: Party responsibility: 1 without une recovery housing; two tenant shall not interfere with normal life; 3 to assist in providing relevant cost of living facilities; four facilities in the estates and normal warranty.

6: B Responsibilities: 1 shall not be secretly altered the building structure: 2 should not man-made destruction of house facilities; 3 not to use housing to illegal and criminal activities; 4 shall not damage the public interest; five houses shall not be lent a third party; six timely payment of rent, shall not be in arrears .

7: B as a result of special circumstances, require early termination of this Agreement, shall notify the Party one month in advance and intermediary parties, pending the consent of Party A before handling settlement proceres, whether by the loss of atrioventricular idle borne by the B.

8: Party To advance to recover the roof should be notified one month in advance Party B or an intermediary party, Party B agree that, by the intermediary responsible for arranging the B re-renting, ring which the loss borne by the Party.

9: Contract period, A and B both need to seriously comply with this Agreement, in addition to municipal relocation, green transformation of the irresistible, the contract is automatically terminated, the balance returned to Party B, no compensation. Otherwise, without une breach of contract, such as breach of contract, breach of a direction of the non-breaching party to pay liquidated damages the whole X yuan. Law-abiding, safe use of water, electricity, coal, if illegal peril.

10: intermediary is responsible for renting the process of adjustment problems that may occur in serious cases by the intermediary agency to the court counsel for the prosecution and the application for enforcement, but does not bear any legal and economic responsibilities.

11: Supplementary Regulations:

12: The People's Republic of China in this Agreement in accordance with relevant laws and the formulation, not entirely matters for a separate written agreement or by the interpretation of the Act apply, in triplicate, A, B and one each intermediary party, to enter into force upon signature is not notarized, with being equally authentic.

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