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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-03-16 21:34:53


The Tang Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 618 to 907.It is often referred to as the golden age of Chinese civilization.known for its powerful military.extensive trade network.and flourishing culture.In English.the pronunciation of "唐朝" is "tahng chow."。
导读The Tang Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 618 to 907.It is often referred to as the golden age of Chinese civilization.known for its powerful military.extensive trade network.and flourishing culture.In English.the pronunciation of "唐朝" is "tahng chow."。

The Tang Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 618 to 907. It is often referred to as the golden age of Chinese civilization, known for its powerful military, extensive trade network, and flourishing culture. In English, the pronunciation of "唐朝" is "tahng chow."

The word "Tang" is derived from the Chinese term "Tang," which translates to "brilliance" or "splendor." This name reflects the extraordinary achievements and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. The pronunciation of "Tang" is similar to the English word "tahng," with a soft "a" sound and a nasal "ng" ending.

The Song Dynasty, on the other hand, ruled from 960 to 1279 and was also a highly influential era in Chinese history. It is often divided into two periods: the Northern Song (960-1127) and the Southern Song (1127-1279). In English, the pronunciation of "宋朝" is "sohng chow."

The term "Song" is derived from the Chinese word "Song," which means "pine tree." This name was chosen to represent the strength and resilience of the Song Dynasty. The pronunciation of "Song" is similar to the English word "sohng," with a soft "o" sound and a nasal "ng" ending.

It is important to note that the English pronunciations of "唐朝" and "宋朝" are transliterations of the Chinese characters. The English language does not have exact equivalents for these terms, so the pronunciation is an approximation that tries to capture the sound as closely as possible.

In summary, the Tang Dynasty is pronounced as "tahng chow" in English, while the Song Dynasty is pronounced as "sohng chow." These pronunciations may vary slightly depending on regional accents and individual preferences, but they generally capture the correct sounds of the Chinese characters.

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The Tang Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 618 to 907.It is often referred to as the golden age of Chinese civilization.known for its powerful military.extensive trade network.and flourishing culture.In English.the pronunciation of "唐朝" is "tahng chow."。
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