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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-05-03 22:13:01


1.this complicates, at the least, official efforts to boost social cohesion.(而这至少使官方努力促进社会融合的局面更加复杂。)
导读1.this complicates, at the least, official efforts to boost social cohesion.(而这至少使官方努力促进社会融合的局面更加复杂。)

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、this complicates, at the least, official efforts to boost social cohesion.(而这至少使官方努力促进社会融合的局面更加复杂。)

2、Equitable distribution of health care is a critical contributor to social cohesion.(公平分配卫生保健服务是促进社会团结的重要因素。)

3、The second threat involves cohesion, and the different things that flexicurity means.(第二个威胁就是“灵活保障制度”所涉及到得不同事情之间的连贯性。)

4、City dwellers know what this means in terms of social cohesion, safety, security, and the quality of life.(城市居民知道这对社会团结、安全、保障和生活质量意味着什么。)

5、Too much cohesion and the system suffers all the ills of complexity.(过多的内聚性将使系统遭受复杂性的全部影响。)

6、The lower left, the components are encapsulated into three larger components with less cohesion.(在左下方的图表中,所有成分被封装到三个更大的成分中,并且具有相对较低的内聚性。)

7、Prevent funding has slopped uneasily over both community-cohesion projects and counter-terrorist ones.(防范项目中用于种族团结活动和反恐的资金已被大幅削减。)

8、cohesion is especially important in n-tier applications where more than one server processes data.(在一个由多个服务器处理数据的n层应用程序中,聚合非常重要。)

9、However, this approach does not include investment in new infrastructure, nor does it guarantee better regional cohesion.(然而,这种方法不包括对新基础设施的投资,也不能保证更好的地区凝聚力。)

10、Instead, you're taking advantage of the tight cohesion the fixture displays.(相反,您充分利用了该装置显示的严密内聚性。)

11、We suggest that two object design concepts are useful: cohesion and completeness.(我们认为有两个对象设计概念很有用:内聚性和完整性。)

12、cohesion — how the encapsulated entities are connected.(内聚性——被封装的实体如何相互连接?)

13、Cultural cohesion is an advantage, though it comes under strain as partnerships expand.(合伙关系一旦扩大会产生更大负担,尽管如此,文化的凝聚仍是一大优势。)

14、cohesion is a measure of the strength and focus of an object's responsibilities.(内聚是对象职责的力量和焦点的度量。)

15、Social cohesion is the best protection against social unrest, nationally and internationally.(社会团结是防止国家和国际社会动荡的最有效措施。)

16、Balanced health status within a population contributes to social cohesion and stability.(人口平衡的健康状况有助于社会团结和稳定。)

17、Designs with high cohesion offer the opportunity for lower coupling.(具有高内聚力的设计将提供降低耦合的机会。)

18、By 1990, it was clear that the cohesion of the armed forces was rapidly breaking down.(到1990年时,武装部队凝聚力明显地迅速瓦解。)

19、We are looking for engagement and synergies but above all for greater coordination and cohesion.(我们期待参与和协同,但首先是加强协调与凝聚。)

20、An equally big item is the "cohesion" policy for poorer states and regions.(有鉴于此,为较贫困成员国及地区制定的“凝聚”政策也是同等重要的。)

21、Good habit: Embrace high cohesion.(好习惯:利用高内聚力。)

22、Achieving the right amount of encapsulation and cohesion is still an art.(达到合适的封装性和内聚性仍然是一门艺术。)

23、Team cohesion: How well does the team work together?(团队合作:团队协作的情况如何?)

24、The source of Roman obsession with unity and cohesion may well have lain in the pattern of Rome's early development.(罗马人执着于团结和凝聚力很可能起源于罗马的早期发展模式。)

25、In the upper right there is no encapsulation and high cohesion.(在右上方的图表中,没有封装性,具有高度的内聚性。)

26、Functional cohesion to maximize reuse.(功能性的聚合以尽可能地实现重用。)

27、The DAO layer has strong database cohesion.(dao层具有强大的数据库内聚力。)

28、High cohesion means that classes and methods that are related to each other are grouped.(高内聚力指将相互关联的类和方法分组在一起。)

29、When a design has low cohesion, it has classes and methods that are not grouped well.(当设计的内聚力较低时,它就不能良好地组织类和方法。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。



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1.this complicates, at the least, official efforts to boost social cohesion.(而这至少使官方努力促进社会融合的局面更加复杂。)
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